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An Independent, Traditional 1928 BCP Ministry
"So yet here you have an order for prayer much agreeable to the mind and purpose of the old fathers"
From the Preface of the First Book of Common Prayer, 1549 is an independent, privately sponsored collection of resources based on the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, especially the Daily Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer. is not affiliated with or sponsored by any parish, diocese, province, or other ecclesiastical body; it is a personal ministry offered as a gift to those who love the 1928 BCP and traditional Anglican liturgy. We offer a place of prayer and peace to all, with no politics or agendas.
(Click above for full list, or the quick links below)
Morning Prayer     Morning Prayer (brief)
Evening Prayer      Evening Prayer (brief)
Hourly Offices 
(Click above for full list, or the quick links below)
Ordo Calendar     iCal Downloads
Readings/Propers for the Church Year 
(Click above for full list, or the quick links below)
The Litany             A Penitential Office
The Psalter          Visitation of the Sick
Collects                 Family Prayer 
Prayers & Thanksgivings 
(Click above for full list, or the quick links below)
About/From the BCP
Miscellaneous tables and rubrics from the BCP,
information on sources and usage, &ct.

Why the Book of Common Prayer? 

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From the Ordo Calendar
Today is Friday after Trinity 8
Season of Trinity
(Text color indicates liturgical color for the Day & Season)
MORNING SYMBOL     <-- Today's Readings -->     EVENING SYMBOL